Ainsley has wanted to do Kung Fu San Soo since she was two years old. That's when Ian started his study of the oldest martial art. All the other forms of Chinese fighting - Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Tai Kwan Do, Tai Chi - are spin offs of Kung Fu. Ainsley doesn't understand that yet, but somehow she seems to know that what she is learning is very special.
Her teacher, or Sifu, is a 7th Generation decendent of the originial Chinese Masters. I'm not talking about genetics. This is the training lineage, and it is as sacred to the Kung Fu Masters as family. This means my children and husband are part of the 8th Generation of descendents of the Ching Dynasty, and they are learning from a Master who has earned a 10th Degree Black Belt in this ancient art. To study with him is an honor.
Whether or not Ainsley understands this now is irrelevant. She idolizes Sifu. She knows there is something very special about him and what he has to teach her. He taught her the very reverent salute when she was half the size she is now. She salutes him every time she sees him and then hugs him if she can get away with it.
Getting our family to Kung Fu tonight was a challenge. I won't go into the details of our preparation to leave the house; I'll just say there were several clothing/uniform changes before we made it out the door. Once we arrived at the center, Ainsley and I ran to the bathroom for a last minute emergency. I sent Ian into the classroom and told him to find some seats for us.
In a bathroom filled with children and mothers, Ainsley and I attempted to remedy the last emergency of the evening and get her completely dressed for class. It seemed to take us forever. In a frenzy of hand washing and gathering of sandals, belt, and purse, I looked around to find Ian casually walking into the ladies restroom to find us. Fortunately, no on in the room was exposed, and everyone remained calm.
Ainsley is usually on the cusp of medication effectiveness when class starts. Her noon time dose of Focalin has done just about all it can to keep her zeroed in on the tasks before her. By the end of class she is looking everywhere but the front of the room and walking around in circles. Sifu is very patient and understanding about her inability to watch at that point. Fortunately, she still hears and catches the information she needs to learn.
Tonight the class practiced a new kick that required ample vocal accompaniment. Ainsley loves to make the noises. They are part of the allure of this art. Sometimes she yells "dek" loudly enough that it takes her body of balance. Hopefully, at some point, she will get "right" and "left" sorted out in her mind so she will land solidly on her feet.
Between kicks and shouts, Ainsley likes to blow kisses to me. It is hilarious to watch this precious, beautiful little girl learning how to kick some major butt, yet remaining demure enough to sneak in an air kiss when she has a second.
What makes it even more special is when she has an extra second to pick her nose. That is truly the cherry on top!
At first I was a little worried that my ballerina was going to be giving up her femininity to play a boys game. But now I know she can do it on her own terms and love every minute of it.
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