Friday, September 26, 2008

Elusive Sleep

Ainsley has spent a portion of three out of the last four nights in my bed. Her most common excuse for wanting to be close to us is that she is afraid of the dark. Sometimes she has had a bad dream. I can't help but put my arms around her and hold her until she is comfortably quiet and resting again when she arrives a little weepy.

But at 4:10 a.m. today, she came bouncing into our room and said,

"I couldn't find my favorite Blue [from Blue's Clues], so I thought I'd come and keep you and Daddy company!"

She then climbed over me, plopped herself firmly between Steve and I, and spent the next hour talking. At 5:15, she insisted on helping me pour Steve's coffee. Since I was still stumbling around the kitchen and the kid was wired, it wasn't such a bad idea.

She has been bouncing off the walls ever since. I am struggling to keep my eyes open. In fact, as soon as the kids were ready for school, a went face down on the couch and fell asleep for 10 minutes. Fortunately, Ian's impatience to get to school caused him to wake me up just in time.

Now that I am home, I think I'll go get some rest . . . in Ainsley's bed!

1 comment:

Intransitivus said...

Ah, the joy of children... (that aren't mine, hihihihi, giggle)

Texas, huh? Do you live in the good part, or the bad part?