Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sticviews Helps My Aspie Kids Be More Independent

Social stories are an exceptionally helpful way to assist autistic children learn complicated processes and social mores. In this case, Ian and Ainsley needed help with bathing. They couldn't remember what to do much less what order to do it in.

Now they have a Sticviews social story that gives them the information they need to do it all themselves. I created the social story on my laptop using photos of key elements of their bathroom.

Then I uploaded the social story to the Sticviews website, It was printed out and shipped to my door (o.k., actually, Bryce from Sticviews delivered it in person - but don't expect that kind of special service if you live outside of ... oh, north Texas).

Both Ian and Ainsley are doing MUCH better not just at bathing independently, but they are washing themselves better too. It's amazing how an 8"x10" piece of waterproof vinyl can change your world!

Click here to see a great video about the shower stic!

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