Friday, October 17, 2008

Why Do They Have to be so Honest?

Today was pumpkin patch day. The entire family got in the van and drove to our favorite place to buy our fall festive gourds - Ainsley's former pre-school.

Ian and Ainsley were so excited to pick out a little one for their own and a large one for carving.

Ian found an enormous pumpkin sitting off to the side of the patch.

"Look, Mom .... this pumpkin is as wide as you are!" he said in amazement.

For the record, neither the pumpkin nor I are as big as his tone would have you believe. But this is a 9 year-old who doesn't understand that being completely honest isn't always a good idea. Nevertheless, I believe I'll hit the gym first thing in the morning.

1 comment:

kristi said... son does the same thing!