Ainsley didn't begin to get excited about this trip until a couple of days ago. In fact, she said adamantly that she was not going. She thought the other girls would laugh at her. About what, she couldn't say, but she didn't want to be laughed at. She finally came around when I bought her a pink camo sleeping bag. Then she got her camp out t-shirt with a matching one for her dad. That really made things gel for her.
Finally, Ainsley and I spent considerable time yesterday making special beaded necklaces for her to trade with the other tribes that will be on the camp out. At first she wanted to make name tags to attach to each of them. I was able to convince her that we couldn't really do that because we didn't know the names of the new friends she would meet there.

This girl is such a trip!
1 comment:
Uh oh...are we going to have to have a throwdown over the Manager Mom title?
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